Ellet J. Waggoner
The Present Truth | February 1, 1894
It will be worth all the world to me if when the time of reckoning comes the avenger cannot find me. The accuser of the brethren comes every day, and here we are before the Judge. “We have come,” says the apostle, “to God the Judge of all.” The accuser says I am a liar and deceitful, have borne false witness, and have done everything that is evil. This is what you are, he says. Now it would be worth more to me than all the gold that could be piled in the Bank of England, and ten thousand times that, if I could say, “You are mistaken. The one who did all those things is dead, and you are too late. Another man lives here now. Christ lives in this house. You may bring against Him all the charges you please, for He is able to settle with you for them; but the one you are charging is dead, and you have no case at all.” In order to be able to say that, I must be willing that the Lord should take my life, and all that pertains to it. It will be like taking my life, for my life has been made up of sin. So in the midst of sin and temptation I say, I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me” (Gal. 2:20).