
The Sabbath a Sign of Redemption (part 2 of 2) | Alonzo T. Jones

Alonzo T. Jones.

Last week we saw what the Sabbath would have been to man, had he never sinned. But he did sin. He did not remain faithfully a part of the LORD'S original creation. Through sin, man gave himself and all his dominion over to the enemy of GOD. All was wholly lost. But though man and all was lost, yet GOD in JESUS CHRIST freely and willingly became his Saviour. The Creator became the Redeemer. He by whom GOD created all things, is He by whom GOD would save all.

The Sabbath a Sign of Creation (part 1 of 2) | Alonzo T. Jones

Alonzo T. Jones.

It is written: "Hallow my Sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between Me and you, that ye may know that I am the LORD your GOD." Eze. 20:20. Notice, He does not say, It is a sign that I am the LORD, but "a sign that ye may know that I am the LORD your GOD." There is that in the Sabbath of the LORD which makes it to man the means of finding the true knowledge of the true GOD. For men only know GOD truly when they know not only that He is, but that He is what He is.

The Revelation of Christ | 1888 Essential Reading

E. J. Waggoner 

“When it pleased God. . . . to reveal His Son in me” (Gal. 1:15, 16). Note the exact words. The apostle does not say that it pleased God to reveal His Son to him but in him. Moreover, he does not say that it pleased God to put His Son into him, but to reveal His Son in him. There is a great truth in this, which stands out very plainly in connection with some other texts.