How Many Times Did Ellen White Endorse the Message of Jones and Waggoner
From 1888-1896? (Click this title for download of endorsements)
From 1888-1896? (Click this title for download of endorsements)
Compiled by Ralph H. Blank III
The following endorsements (1-336) have been taken verbatim from the four volumes of The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials. For brevity’s sake, only the core statement or phrase is reproduced here, sometimes condensed. Each expression listed has direct reference to Jones or Waggoner or both. The list is not complete. There are also many “negative” endorsements, rebukes to those who were rejecting or despising the message, but these are not listed. The numbers in parentheses refer to the pages of the four-volume set.
1 opened to you precious light (175)
2 [light] shining forth in clear rays (175)
3 men whom God has appointed (186)
4 the people heard many precious things (205)
5 the Lord has … given them a solemn message (210)
6 old light placed where it should be (211)
7 precious truths (217)
8 I could respond to [the message] with all my heart (217)
9 great and glorious truths (217)
10 the Lord had given to my brethren the burden to proclaim this message (217)
11 I knew it was the message for this time (217)
12 a Christlike spirit manifested (219)
13 Elder E. J. Waggoner had conducted himself like a Christian gentleman (220)
14 Elder Waggoner had taken the straightforward course ... a Christian gentleman (222)
15 all the evidence (223)
16 the voice of the true Shepherd (223)
17 men ... I had reason to respect (228)
18 He [the Lord] has given these men a work to do (228)
19 a message to bear which is present truth (228)
20 its fruits are good (228)
21 the great treasure of truth (228)
22 a life-giving message (229)
23 the message of truth (267)
24 the precious rays of heaven’s light that God has sent them (267)
25 the bread that cometh down from heaven (267)
26 the truth as it is in Jesus (267)
27 the very message the Lord has sent to the people (267)
28 the deep movings of the Spirit of God (268)
29 We seemed to breathe in the very atmosphere of heaven (268)
30 the very message that I know to be present truth (274)
31 great light for us at this time (276)
32 God has made these men messengers (279)
33 breaking to their souls the Bread of Life (280)
34 clearly and simply defined (280)
35 plan of salvation ... made so clear that a child may understand (281)
36 this message ... is ... present truth for this time (286)
37 the Lord imparted to the speakers His grace in rich measure (288)
38 precious subject of faith and the righteousness of Christ (291)
39 Jones ... patiently instructed the people (291)
40 work ... to make of none effect the labors of ... Jones and my work (298)
41 clear waters of the streams of Lebanon (305)
42 servants whom the Lord sent ... with messages of truth (317)
43 many received it as light and truth (317)
44 brethren whom the Lord sent with a message (322)
45 light from heaven (334)
46 this light that these men are presenting (349)
47 the matchless charms of Christ (349)
48 first clear teaching of this subject from any human lips I had heard (349)
49 every fiber of my heart said, Amen (349)
50 [Re:] Jones ... do your duty ... open the way before him (355)
51 to pick some flaws in the messengers and in the message ... grieved the Spirit of God (368)
52 light flashed from the oracles of God ... light too precious (387)
53 we have precious light ... present truth (387)
54 His delegated messengers (398)
55 reject Christ in the person of His messengers (398)
56 reject Christ in rejecting the message He sends (399)
57 messages of light to His people (400)
58 those whom God has made channels of light (400)
59 a message of light hope comfort for the people of God (405)
60 the message that He would have come to them (406)
61 refusing the message of mercy as the Jews did (406)
62 the special work to arouse a lukewarm, slumbering church (414)
63 the light of heaven (415)
64 this message that Brother A. T. Jones has been giving to the church is the truth
65 the message of truth (418)
66 the truth for this time (420)
67 the heavenly inspiration of truth (420)
68 the message of God (420)
69 the message of truth (421)
70 His chosen agents (422)
71 His message and messengers (423)
72 those whom God is using (443)
73 large morsels from the Lord’s table (447)
74 Jones presented the Bible evidence of justification by faith (463)
75 presented justification by faith in a plain, distinct manner marked simplicity (465)
76 the workings of the Spirit of God (465)
77 the most precious light given (467)
78 the message and the messenger sent of God (499)
79 the message the Lord sends (499)
80 evidence to balance the mind in the right direction (499)
81 light which God is giving to His people (512)
82 God is working for us (512)
83 heavensent light (512)
84 the light of heaven (512)
85 the messengers and the message (517)
86 points of truth are investigated (528)
87 your brethren have truth (528)
88 men whom I know to be agents whom the Lord is using (529)
89 come and learn just the ideas advanced (531)
90 the Lord is giving fresh evidence of His truth in a new setting, that the way of the Lord may be prepared (534)
91 new light God has sent light to His children (534)
92 the light which God has been forcing in here upon us (537)
93 it is the truth, brethren (537)
94 light which God has sent you (538)
95 God sends His messengers (538)
96 new light that is brought in (540)
97 light that God has given (541)
98 the light (541)
99 the messengers of God that I knew were His messengers (542)
100 [the messengers] had a message for His people (542)
101 my message [was] ... right in harmony with the very message they were bearing
102 the message He has sent us during these last two years is from heaven (545)
103 a privilege to stand by the side of my brethren [Jones and Waggoner] (545)
104 the power of God attended the message (545)
105 a message of light that came to them (545)
106 God has set His hand to do this work (545)
107 the message led to the confession of sin (545)
108 the message of God (545)
109 bringing out special light for the people (545)
110 this message ... should go to every church (545)
111 the heavenly credentials (545)
112 God has sent light (547)
113 light pouring in on us ... come up and accept the light (556)
114 We have been hearing His voice more distinctly in the message that has been going for the last two years (559)
115 the light and the truth ... this precious truth (560)
116 God has given precious truth at the right time to Brother Jones and Brother Waggoner (566)
117 God has sent light (566)
118 God has given us light in the right time (567)
119 of heavenly origin (567)
120 the messages that God sends ... [as] at Minneapolis (571)
121 the Lord was with Elder Waggoner as he spoke yesterday (607)
122 the power of God in rich measure was hanging over us (607)
123 the light God sends or His messages to us (608)
124 God has sent men to bring us the truth ... God had sent somebody to bring it to us (608)
125 I accept it (608)
126 Jesus Christ ... is to be recognized in His messengers (608)
127 there is light for us (612)
128 God raised up men here to carry the truth to His people (614)
129 this is the truth (614)
130 Waggoner gave a most powerful discourse (617)
131 God spoke through him [Waggoner] (617)
132 Waggoner spoke very humbly (625)
133 Waggoner spoke well (628)
134 Waggoner gave a most precious discourse (629)
135 the message [the Spirit of God] has given His servants to bear at the present time (631)
136 the manifest movement of the Spirit of God (636)
137 the light and the evidences presented since the Minneapolis meeting (638)
138 His power He has manifested (639)
139 God raised up men to carry the truth to His people (640)
140 this is the truth (640)
141 Jones talked very plainly, yet tenderly (642)
142 God has raised up His messengers to do His work for this time (673)
143 the message that would bring healing and life and comfort (673)
144 Christ has registered speeches against His servants as against Himself (673)
145 light which will lighten the earth with its glory (673)
146 the light of truth (673)
147 Heavensent light ... in clear and steady rays (673)
148 messages bearing the divine credentials set forth among us with beauty
and loveliness (673)
149 God has wrought among us (673)
150 an array of arguments that the messenger himself did not know was so firm, so full, so thorough (703)
151 was of God (703)
152 that message which the Lord sends (703)
153 the Spirit of God, the message and the messenger (733)
154 Christ knocked for entrance the light of His glory, so nigh, was withdrawn (734)
155 God opened the windows of heaven and sent rich floods of light (746)
156 the Lord has sent a message to arouse His people (765)
157 the new wine additional light (765)
158 join the angels who are sent from heaven with a message to fill the whole earth with its glory (765)
159 so great light (799)
160 much precious light (828)
161 light, precious light (828)
162 His channels to communicate light (831)
163 the opening providence of God (831)
164 real heavensent message and messengers (831)
165 the evidence God has given ... brethren whom God is using (831)
166 men of opportunity through whom He is working (838)
167 not only. despising the message, but the messengers ... the light which the Lord designed to come to His people (846)
168 light which God has given (867)
169 I heard a voice say ... “close up the ranks by coming into line and uniting in the work wholeheartedly” (867)
170 the truth and ... those who advocated the truth (875)
171 increased light for us (911)
172 God’s messages and messengers (911)
173 treating the light sent them in the very same way that the Jews treated the light Christ brought them (911)
174 ignore the Spirit of God (912)
175 The Lord has been calling His people ... But the message and the messengers have not been received but despised (913)
176 In rejecting the messages given at Minneapolis, men committed sin (913)
177 hatred against God’s messengers (913)
178 truth that the Holy Spirit has been urging home (913)
179 light from the throne of God (915)
180 men who should be respected, whom God is using (947)
181 His chosen servants ... evidence of His working (954)
182 the best of evidence that the Lord has been communicating light through him [Waggoner] (977)
183 greater light (992)
184 the messengers whom He shall send (992)
185 the Lord has raised up messengers and endued them with His Spirit (992)
186 the message of heaven (992)
187 your brethren [Jones and Waggoner] ... whom the Lord is manifestly using to give light to His people (1004)
188 God’s delegated messengers (1009)
189 God is giving light to the people (1009)
190 whom the Lord is using (1009)
191 They [i.e., those who oppose the message] will place the brother in a position that hurts his influence. If Christ has given that brother a message to bear, upon whom does the hurt come? Upon the Son of the infinite God (1011)
192 those who are bearing the message of God to the world (1013)
193 bearing a message from God to the people (1022)
194 the Lord’s messenger (1023)
195 truth that is sent of God (1023)
196 it has a freshness, a force, that gives it a convincing power to the hearer (1024)
197 the message God has sent (1024)
198 the Lord’s messengers (1025)
199 Him who has given them their work (1025)
200 evidence that God is working through these instrumentalities (1026)
201 The Lord has given abundance of evidence in messages of light and salvation (1030)
202 the messengers and messages God has sent (1034)
203 the messengers and messages He sends (1038)
204 the Lord’s anointed (1038)
205 God sent these young men, Elders Jones and Waggoner (1043)
206 the points of truth which they brought out (1044)
207 men upon whom God has laid the burden of a solemn work (1045)
208 the messengers of truth (1050)
209 message and messenger as the word of God (1051)
210 Gear to ridicule the message or the messenger (1052)
211 true Christian will fear to make light of God’s message (1052)
212 the message of God to the Laodicean church (1052)
213 the man and the message sent of God (1053)
214 evidences that God has given to balance the mind in regard to the truth (1060)
215 resisted the Spirit of God (1066)
216 the Lord was working through Brethren Jones and Waggoner (1066)
217 these men had a message from God (1066)
218 light manifested at Minneapolis (1067)
219 the preciousness of the truth sent them from heaven (1067)
220 despising ... the message and the message .... the word of the Lord (1068)
221 the strong, clear light of that other angel ... having great power (1070)
222 the loud cry of the third angel has already begun in the revelation of the righteousness of Christ (1073)
223 This is the beginning of the light of the angel whose glory shall fill the whole earth (1073)
224 the voice of Jesus, the true Shepherd (1084)
225 the demonstration of truth before your eyes (1084)
226 the leadings of the Holy Spirit of God (1084)
227 the truth ... shining in clear, distinct beams of light since the Minneapolis meeting (1106)
228 the message nor the messengers by whom God shall send light to His people (1121)
229 the message for this time (1122)
230 for the starving flock of God (1122)
231 Brother Jones has borne the message (1122)
232 light and freedom and the outpouring of the Spirit of God have attended the word (1122)
233 the message and the messengers I [the Lord] sent to My people with light, with grace and power (1126)
234 evidence was piled upon evidence (1126)
235 the messages God sends to His people (1127)
236 the Lord’s message (1128)
237 the Lord’s messengers (1128)
238 light and truth at Minneapolis (1129)
239 increased evidence from God as to where and how he is and has been working (1136)
240 the work that brethren Jones and Waggoner have under God (1137)
241 the message I [the Lord] sent through My servants (1138)
242 bore the imprint of the Most High (1138)
243 has the message to give to the people for this time (1139)
244 the Lord has raised up men to give to the world a message to the people to prepare them to stand in the great day of God (1140)
245 the work that has been going on since the Minneapolis meeting [is] of God (1141)
246 the Lord is in this work (1141)
247 the Lord’s message or His messengers (1146)
248 these men are working in their line (1147)
249 the course ... pursued toward Elder Jones ... an offense to God (1156)
250 every evidence that the Lord is using Elder Jones, Elder Waggoner (1156)
251 the rich lessons you [A. T. Jones] have for them (1165)
252 The Lord has raised up Brother Jones and Brother Waggoner to proclaim a message to the world to prepare a people to stand in the day of God (1208b)
253 light from heaven (1210)
254 the ministration of His Holy Spirit (1210)
255 bright beams of the Sun of righteousness (1212)
256 God’s heaven-sent blessings (1212)
257 I have more confidence in them today than I have had in the past (1240)
258 the Lord’s chosen messengers ... “mine anointed my prophets” (1241)
259 the Lord’s chosen messengers, beloved of God (1241)
260 they have cooperated with God (1241)
261 God’s ambassadors (1242)
262 have responded by imparting the heavenly light to others (1242)
263 God’s messengers (1242)
264 God working wondrously through him (1244)
265 from the lips of the messenger, marvelous things out of the living oracles (1244)
266 fed us with the bread from heaven (1244)
267 men chosen of God (1245)
268 the Lord has chosen men to bear light and messages of great importance to the people (1245)
269 God … selecting the very men whom He did select (1245)
270 God has chosen the very men He wanted (1245)
271 these men have carried forward the work (1245)
272 have been the mouthpiece for God (1245)
273 Those men are chosen of the Lord (1246)
274 step quickly into the path marked out for them, as these two brethren have done (1246)
275 the chosen of God (1247)
276 the draught from the wells of salvation (1247)
277 men who were chosen to give the message which the people needed (1247)
278 men whom God was using (1247)
279 chosen agents of God (1247)
280 faithful watchmen (1248)
281 borne the message of God (1248)
282 the Lord has given them their message (1248)
283 men to whom God has given the message of truth (1249)
284 brethren who have been doing His work (1249)
285 message God has given (1249)
286 very men whom God has entrusted with a message (1299)
287 the message and the messengers (1300)
288 men who have borne this gospel message (1300)
289 His chosen messengers (1300)
290 the messengers and message God has sent (1303)
291 the message or the messengers (1309)
292 God’s delegated servants (1309)
293 heavensent message (1309)
294 truth spoken in demonstration of the Spirit (1336)
295 a most precious message (1336)
296 the message God commanded given to the world (1337)
297 God gave His servants a testimony (1338)
298 the testimony that must go throughout the length and breadth of the world (1339)
299 the message He has given His servants (1339)
300 His messengers (1339)
301 the messengers of God’s righteousness (1341)
302 whom the Lord recognized as His servants (1341)
303 Christ’s delegated messengers (1342)
304 the message the Lord in mercy sent you (1344)
305 God has given Brother Jones and Brother Waggoner a message for the people (1353)
306 God has upheld them (1353)
307 He has given them precious light (1353)
308 their message has fed the people of God (1353)
309 reject the message borne by these men, you reject Christ, the Giver of the message (1353)
310 the messages God has been giving His people (1395)
311 Eld. Jones and Waggoner were given a special work to do for these last days (1395)
312 the messages God sends (1395)
313 the messengers and the message He hath sent (1410)
314 the righteousness of Christ by faith (1436)
315 the messenger and the messages God has given him to proclaim (1473)
316 Hating Jesus Christ in the form of His saints! (1475)
317 showers from heaven of the latter rain (1478)
318 this manifestation of the Holy Spirit (1479)
319 the Holy Spirit’s working (1479)
320 the Spirit of the Lord has been upon His messengers (1485)
321 sent with light, precious light (1485)
322 the men whom God sent with a message of blessing for His people (1525)
323 the Lord’s chosen messengers (1526)
324 the very men whom God has used to present light (1526)
325 the light that is to lighten the whole earth with its glory was resisted (1575)
326 God’s servants who have borne to them the message of mercy from heaven (1642)
327 servants of God with a heavensent message (1647)
328 They may talk strongly; but is it not needed? (1647)
329 God sees the temperament of the men He has chosen (1648)
330 earnest, firm, determined, strong-feeling men (1648)
331 the Lord has taken men who were boys when you were standing at the forefront
of the battle, given them the message and the work which you did not take on you (1648)
332 work … carried forward in Christ’s lines (1651)
333 His messengers … God’s message (1651)
334 the messages sent from heaven (1656)
335 the truth of the heaven sent message (1656)
336 most powerful truth to present (1756)
The following endorsements are from sources other than
The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials.
The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials.
337 the truth, goodness, mercy, and love of God as they had never before seen it
(Review and Herald, Feb. 12, 1889)
(Review and Herald, Feb. 12, 1889)
338 true light, in remarkable symmetry and beauty (ibid.)
339 the message ... the voice of the heavenly merchantman (MS. 4, 1889)
340 His [Christ’s] counsels (Review and Herald, July 3, 1889)
341 His [Christ’s] delegated messengers (ibid.)
342 precious words ... from the Great Teacher (ibid., Sept. 3, 1889)
343 His delegated servants ... the servants of the Lord (ibid.)
344 they knew that the message ... came from God ... a message from God (ibid.)
345 its fruit is unto holiness (ibid.)
346 light from Heaven (ibid.)
347 agents whom God shall choose (Review and Herald, Dec. 24, 1889)
348 the light that God would have come to His children (ibid.)
349 light is flashing from the throne of God ... that a people may be prepared to stand in the Day of God (Review and Herald, March 4, 1890)
350 the message of God upon this subject … fresh light (Review and Herald, April 1, 1890)
351 It is the Third Angel’s Message in verity (ibid.)
352 the messenger, and the messages God sends to His people (Signs of the Times,
May 26,1890)
May 26,1890)
353 men whom God has educated to act a special part in His work (ibid.)
354 God has messengers and messages for His people (ibid.)
355 this blessed truth (Review and Herald, Aug. 19, 1890)
356 the light which God has permitted to shine (ibid.)
357 bright beams of light (Review and Herald, Oct. 21, 1890)
358 the message and the messenger that God sends (ibid.)
359 that which God had commanded to be built up (ibid.)
360 the message of God ... the messengers of God (Letter, Nov. 25, 1890, Brooklyn,
New York)
New York)
361 it is a message sent from Heaven (ibid.)
362 the message which God has given him (Review and Herald, Dec. 16, 1890)
363 the work God has given him to do (ibid.)
364 the message of the Spirit of God ... the message and the messenger (ibid.)
365 the fruit borne by the message (ibid.)
366 the message and the messenger whom God has sent (Review and Herald,
July 25, 1893)
July 25, 1893)
367 those upon whom sacred responsibility is laid … the servants of God (ibid.)
368 lips that have been touched with a live coal from off the altar (Review and Herald,
Aug. 8, 1893)
Aug. 8, 1893)
369 a feast of fat things (ibid.)
370 the heaven-sent refreshing of the shower of grace (Review and Herald, Feb. 13, 1894)
371 new light … the message ... the messenger .... whom God has sent with a message of truth (Testimonies on Sabbath School Work, p. 60)
372 men have despised Christ in person of His messengers (Fundamentals of Christian Education, p. 472)
373 the true religion, the only religion of the Bible (Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 468)
374 a bright light shines upon our pathway (Gospel Workers, old edition, pp. 104, 105)