"To Prevent Disappointment"

Ellet J. Waggoner 


The surest way to prevent being disappointed in this life, is to have small expectations, and not to make large demands on our fellow-men. The humble man, who does not think that other people were made for the purpose of serving him, but rather that he is servant of all, will, instead of meeting disappointments, be continually surprised and astonished at the kindness and goodwill he receives. On the other hand, the man who expects the most from the Lord, and who, depending on God’s promises, makes the largest demands upon Him, will never be disappointed; for God gives “exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Eph. 3:20), and never forsakes those who put their trust in Him. (Ps. 9:10). And a humble man, with the lowest opinion of his own worth, is just a man who can and will confidently make the largest demands on God, for God “has respect unto the lowly,” and he who inhabits eternity dwells with the humble and the contrite ones. (Isa. 57:15). Therefore the humble man is the only truly happy man on earth. He is always contented, for all his desires are abundantly satisfied with the fatness of God’s house.

“He that is down need fear no fall,

 He that is low, no pride;

 He that is humble ever shall

 Have God to be his guide.”


The Present Truth 12, 32 (August 6, 1896), p. 512.

"To Prevent Disappointment"