The Power of the Cross

Ellet J. Waggoner

The Present Truth :: February 8, 1894

The power of the cross is love (agape); but the love of God is the life of God; for “God is love.” God was in Christ reconciling us to Himself, and in the cross it is that He gives us His life. Failure to realize this is the reason we have failed many times in the ‘crosses’ we have borne. We bore crosses separated from Christ, and therefore the power in the cross was only the power in our own lives. It was nothing. But when we are crucified with Christ, and thus bear the cross with Him, we get the power of the cross, which is the power of the life of Christ. It was a power that all the hosts of Satan could not affect. It was a power that Satan could not hold in the grave. So when the cross comes, if we share it with Christ, then the power of the cross to us is the power of His endless life.

